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Le Podium Femme



Le Podium


File:Flag of France.svgAnnecy

Biathlon | Le Grand-Bornand : la rédemption de Justine Braisaz-Bouchet,  victorieuse du sprint d'un souffle devant Franziska Preuss | Nordic Mag |  N°1 Biathlon | Ski nordique

Gold medal world centered-2.svgJustine Braisaz Bouchet File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Germany.svgFranziska Preuss Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Slovenia.svgAnamarija Lampic

Biathlon Weltcup Annecy: Franziska Preuß gewinnt Verfolgung - Vanessa Voigt  wird Dritte - Langlauf

Gold medal world centered-2.svgFile:Flag of Germany.svgFranziska Preuss File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - Julia Simon Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Germany.svgVanessa Vogt


Biathlon Weltcup: Franziska Preuß gewinnt Sprint in Hochfilzen und holt  sich gelbes Trikot - Langlauf

 Gold medal world centered-2.svg File:Flag of Germany.svgFranziska Preuss File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - Sophie Chauveau Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - Karoline Knotten

Poursuite femmes Hochfilzen 2024 : Lou Jeanmonnot survole la course avec le  20/20

 Gold medal world centered-2.svg Lou Jeanmonnot File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Germany.svgVanessa Voigt Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Germany.svgFranziska Preuss


Victoire de Lou Jeanmonnot à Kontiolahti : un message fort aux adversaires

Gold medal world centered-2.svg - Lou Jeanmonnot File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - Ella Halvarsson Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - Elvira Oberg

Davidová ovládla sprint v Kontiolahti a vyhrála závod SP | České

Gold medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of the Czech Republic.svgMarketa Davidova File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - Elvira Oberg Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Finland.svgSuvi Minkkinen

Biathlon: Simon reprend pied avec la 2e place de la mass start à Kontiolahti

Gold medal world centered-2.svg - Elvira Oberg File:Silver medal world centered-2.svg - Julia Simon Bronze medal world centered-2.svg - File:Flag of Germany.svgFranziska Preuss

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